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Is There a Future for the Stealth Spy Car?

Sequel to 'Die Another Day' (2002): Roger Moore (the first Bond in space) criticised the film for going overboard with the gadgets and losing all sense of reality. However, many of them are not that out there, just a bit ahead of their time. The invisible Aston Martin, for example, is one of the more widely criticised elements of the movie. Yet, we are not that for from it.

The filmmakers wanted a car chase on a frozen lake in Iceland, which unfortunately rarely freezes. No problem — they dammed the river linking the lake to the sea, thus freezing the lake.

The ice palace, shown in movie, was built from scratch and took about six months to finish. Nevertheless, during production, the director Lee Tamahori thought that wouldn't it be cool if there was a car chase through the ice palace set. Therefore, the designer, Peter Lamont, had to rebuild the set with steel girders to support the cars racing around it. Eventually, they also destoryed the set in order to make that scene happen.


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